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   We are asking everyone in the church to fill this out (even if you’re already serving in certain capacities). If you are interested in volunteering in a certain area, please let us know, even if you think the position/positions are filled at this time. Having this information at our fingertips will assist our church staff and leaders to know where best to equip, train and help you to serve in current ministries, as well as prepare the church for future ministries as the Lord leads. It also helps us get to know our congregation better!

   You may already be serving in one or more ministries. We want you to know that your ministry investment is so appreciated and very much needed for the sake of the kingdom of God. There are many of us who have been serving here for years who might be interested in serving in new ways for God's glory and for the good of the church. 

   We also have new people joining us who are looking for ways to serve and get plugged in. We aren't always aware of your unique skills and abilities God has given you by His grace. Though we look for people with certain gifts and skills to serve in a new ministry, we know that God qualifies the called!  

Check all answers that apply to YOU below.

I am CURRENTLY SERVING in the following area(s)...
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
I am INTERESTED IN SERVING in the following area(s) with more information and/or training...
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


Please fill out this form and click submit.